August ni 19th—23rd chhunga neih Training of KRPs on SIGN LANGUAGE in Promoting Inclusive Education NERIE, NCERT leh SCERT Mizoram te tang dunin a buatsaih chu August ni 19th chawhma dar 10:00 khan SCERT, Auditorium-ah Training hawnna inkhawm neih a ni. 


  He training-ah NCERT NERIE atangin Dr. Melissa G.Wallang, Head of Department DELSS, Pu Tiakumzuk Aier, Junior Project Fellow, Pi Sagarika Saikia, Junior Project Fellow, Pi Phibanker Khongkliam, Junor Project Fellow te leh Pu Hewalingson Syiemlieh, Ear Mould Operator, State Resource Centre Disability Affair, Civil Hospital, Shillong te chu Resource person niin training an pe a ni. He training-ah hian district hrang hrang atangin zirtirtu 37 an tel a, Sign Language chi hrang hrang—alphabet, number, thumal chi hrang hrang, ram hming, ramsa hming leh conversation te chu Indian Sign Language hmanga zirtir an ni. Training Module-a Lesson 11 lai zirtir an ni a, American Sign Language pawh alphabet leh number zirtir tel an ni bawk. Heng bakah hian Classroom-a naupangte an zirtir laia sign language lakluh dan te pawh practical-a tihpui an ni bawk.


  Training hi participants ten nuam an tiin hlawkpui an inti hle a. Hun reilote chhung pawh nise an thil zirte chu hlawk thlak an tiin hman tangkai an chak tawh hle a, an zirtirna leh hetiang lama harsatna tawk naupang te enkawlna kawngah nasa takin a pui thei dawn a ni.

Activity dang te :- 

 1. On-goingTraining on School Health & Welness Programme under Ayushman  Bharat was held every week upto August, 2024.

2. A five-day Workshop to contextualize Guidelines for Pre-Vocational Education at Middle Stage was held during 19th—23rd August 2024 in the Committee Room, SCERT at 11:00 a.m. the following officers attended the said workshop :

  1.   Pi Zohmingliani—Director
  2.   Pi Caroline Zoramthangi—Joint Director
  3.  Pi Florence Lalrinpuii—Deputy Director
  4.  Pu Michael Lalrinmawia—Undersecretaru, MBSE
  5.  Pi Lalrindiki—Lecturer, SCERT
  6.  Pi K, Vanlalruati—Programme Officer, Samagra Shiksha
  7.  Pi Ngurnunsangi—Teacher, SCERT

3. A Workshop to edit ECCE materials :- Minimum Specification for Preschools, Pre-Primary atih tur te, School Readiness Scale & School Readyness Activities was held during 26th—30th, August at the Seminar Hall of SCERT at 10:30 AM.  The following officers and staff attended the said workshop.

 1. Pi Zohmingliani—Director

 2. Pi Lalduhawmi Thomte—Joint Director

 3. Pi Zoramthangi Ralte—Deputy Director

 4. Pi Cecillia K. Lalremruati—Lecturer

 5. Pi Ruth Rosangpuii—Lecturer

 6. Pi Lianhlupuii Hnamte—Lecturer

 7. Pi Lalremmawii—ASEO

 8. Pi Esther Lalnunpuii—ASEO

 9. Pu T. Lalmuanawma—Computer Operator

4. A workshop translate competency based assessment items for NAS assessment booklet 2024 was held during 26th—30th August, 2024 at 10:30 AM in the Committee Room of SCERT. The following officers and staff attended the said Workshop:

 State Level Co-ordinator  : Dr. Lalduhawmi Thomte, Joint Director

 Reviewer   : Pi Lalnunsiami, Deputy Director

 Subject specific developers :

  1. Pu F. Lalliansanga, Deputy Director—Mathematics

  2. Pi Cecilluia K. Lalremruati, Lecturer—Language

  3. Pi Ruth Rosangpuii, Lecturer—The World Around Us

 Translator for Questionnaire : Pu PC. Vanlalruata, Tutor

 DTP    : Pu K. Lalhnazira, Computer Operator

5. Aizawl West SDEO Science Teacher training 2nd batch was organized by Science Promotion Wing during 6th to 9th August. 2024 

6. Five-Hour Online Training on “Media Information Literacy” CIET-NCERT, in collaboration with the Indian Institute of Mass Communication, organizes a 5-hour training series on Educational Technology in the third week of every month. . For the month of August 2024, a 5-hour online training on “Media Information Literacy” was organized from 19th to 23rd August 2024 in English from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm.

7. Trainning On School Health & Wellness Programme 20 -23 August, 2024 chhung neih chu Vawiin dar 1:30 PM khan kharna hun neih a ni.

8.  Induction Programme for B.Ed Special Education Students 2024 chu 12th August, 2024 khan SCERT Auditorium ah hman a ni a. He hunah hian Director Pi Zohmingliani chuan B.Ed. Special Education zirlai lut thar te lawmna thu sawiin Jt. Director Pi Caroline Zoramthangi leh Pi Lalnunsiami, Deputy Director te chuan fuihna thu tha tak tak an sawi bawk a ni. 

9.     A Workshop to develop competency based assessment items for Pre-NAS assessment booklet was held during 27th—30th August, 2024 in the Committee Room of SCERT. The  following Officers and Staff attended the said workshop.

 Co-ordinator : Dr. Lalduhawmi Thomte, Joint Director

Subject specific developers :

Class III:

Mathematics : Pu F. Lalliansanga, Deputy Director

EVS : Pi Ruth Rosangpuii, Lecturer

Language : Pi Lalremmawii, ASEO

Class VI :

Mathematics : Pu F. Lalliansanga, Deputy Director

Language : Pi Cecillia K. Lalremruati, Lecturer

Science : Pu PC. Vanlalruata, Tutor

SS : Dr. C. Lalrozami, Programme  Co-ordinator

Class IX :

Mathematics : Pu F. Lalliansanga, Deputy Director

MIL(Mizo) : Pi Zoramthangi Ralte, Deputy Director

Language (Eng.) : Pi Lalnunsiami. Deputy Director

Science : Pu PC Lalrintluanga, Science Consultant

SS : Pi Lianhlupuii Hnamte, Lecturer

Type Setting : Pu K. Lalhnazira, Computer Operator

10. The Cell for National Centre for Literacy (CNCL) NCERT was organized Capacity Building Programme of ULLAS for SRG Mizoram during 28th-29th August 2024 at 10:00 AM at SCERT. The following officers and staff attended the said programmke.

 1. Pi Cecillia K. Lalremruati, SCERT

 2. Pi Lalremmawii, ASEO, SCERT

 3. Pi Esther Lalnunpuii, ASEO, SCERT

 4. Pi Ngurnunsangi, Teacher, SCERT

9.   A workshop for the upcoming PARAKH Rashtriya 2024, which is tentatively scheduled on November 19th, 2024 PARAKH is planning to organize a workshop for the training of State Level Master trainers on 3rd and 4th September, 2024 in Virtual Mode. The following officers are  detailed the said Programme. Mrs;. Cecillia K. Lalremruati, Lecturer and Mrs Lalrindiki, Lecturer, SCERT attended the said Programme.