Government of India
Ministry of Science & Technology
Department of Science & Technology
Subject : INSPIRE Award Scheme – General Guidelines /
1. Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research (INSPIRE) is a
flagship programme of this Ministry / Department which has five components
covering entire range of education and research from class 6th
 to post graduate
stage of a student.  The first component of this programme is the “INSPIRE
Award" which recognizes the talent among students at a very early stage. Â
2. Under the scheme, a one time award of Rs. 5000/- is given to the
students, who would utilize about 50% of the amount for making a science
project / model and balance 50% towards cost of bringing project / model at
District Level Exhibition Centre for display.
3. The scheme envisages selection of 1 million (10 lakh) students during
the 11th
 Five Year Plan (2007-08 to 2011-12), @ 2 lakh awards per year. Â
Considering that there are about 5 lakh schools in the country which would
have classes 6th to 10th, during the 5 years period, 2 students from each school
would be selected for the INSPIRE Award (in two phases).
4. The selection of the students, on merits, is to be done by the Principal. Â
No specific criteria / guidelines have been laid down by DST in this regard and
it is expected that Principals / Headmasters / Headmistresses would be
nominating the most deserving and meritorious students for such awards. Â
However, a wide publicity should be done in the school about this scheme so
that students become aware of it.  Posters / pamphlets containing brief details
of the scheme should be put on notice board / other prominent  places in the
school. Â
5. The proposal from each school has to come in the prescribed format
(copy enclosed). From each school, name of the recommended student in each
class (from 6th to 10th) has to be indicated along with the name of the
preferred child in each Group (Group A consisting of classes 6th
 to 8th
Group B consisting of classes 9th
 to 10th
).   To the extent possible, equal
representation should be given to the students from each class.   It should be
ensured that relevant details in various columns of the format are properly
filled in respect of all the students / schools (like sex of the student in col. 11,
category in col. 12, type of school in col. 6, location type in col. 7 and so on). : 2 :
Based on these details, DST would select 2 children from each school (1 in the
first phase and 1 in the second phase over the Five Year Plan period) and
convey the decision to the concerned authorities and send the award warrants
in the name of selected students to the State Nodal Officer.
6. The proposals of all schools within a district has to be compiled in the
enclosed format by District Education authorities and sent to State authorities
(along with soft copy in MS-Excel format), who would compile the proposals
for the entire State and send to DST (along with soft copy in MS-Excel
format).  (One single file for entire state or separate files for different districts
of the state can be prepared).
7. The states that could not participate in the said scheme / could not send
any proposal till the end of financial year 2009-10, are requested to send
proposals for 2010-11 and 2011-12 together.   For middle schools i.e. those
having classes 6th
 to 8th
 only, 1 set of proposal would be given for the year
2010-11 and another set of proposal for the year 2011-12.  For High / Higher
Secondary Schools i.e. schools having classes 6th
 to 10th
, two names would be
recommended from classes 6th
 to 10th
 (1 from Group A,   i.e. classes 6th
 to 8th
and 1 from Group B, i.e. classes 9th
 to 10th
).  Out of these, 1 name would be
selected during the year 2010-11 and the second name during the year 2011-12. Â
However, if sufficient funds are available, DST can even sanction the 2nd child
during this financial year itself from the list of 2011-12 for middle schools and
/ or from list of  High / Higher secondary schools for those states who send Â
complete proposals in time. It may be noted that 2011-12 being the last year of
11th Five Year Plan, it is essential that proposals from States / UTs, covering
two students from ALL the Schools, as stated in this para, must be submitted
during 2010-11 itself.
8 (a) Simultaneously, the states should give programme / schedule of their
District level and State level exhibitions and proposals for funds for organizing
such exhibitions. Funds would be released to the States / UTs to meet cost of
boarding and lodging of awardees, teachers accompanying them, members of
Jury, etc. and travel cost of accompanying teacher, Jury members, honorarium
to Jury members, etc., publicity, other miscellaneous costs towards organizing
the exhibitions. TA/DA, boarding, lodging, honorarium etc. would be paid as
per entitlements under the State Government rules.   For States exhibition, in
addition to items mentioned above, the expenditure would also include travel
cost of selected students. (Travel cost of students for District level exhibition is
included in the Rs. 5000/- award money). Â
 : 3 :
(b) Funds would be released based on proposals received from State
Government for District level / State level exhibitions, giving broad details of
proposed expenditure, subject to a ceiling of Rs. 20.00 lakhs   for State level
exhibition and Rs. 5.00 lakhs for District level exhibition having participation
of about 250 students.   For District level exhibitions having lesser / more
number of students, funds would be decreased / increased on pro-rata basis
(subject to a maximum limit of Rs. 10.00 lakhs per District level exhibition). Â
In cases, where the number of students for District level exhibition is very
small; there is no objection in organizing combine exhibition for 2 to 3
neighboring District at one location.  Funds would be released as an advance
on submission of programme / schedule of Exhibition with projected cost by
the State / UTs.   Thereafter, the States / UTs would be required to submit
Utilization Certificates in the prescribed format to the Department of Science
& Technology, Government of India within 45 days of organization of District
/ State level exhibition. Â
(c) The State Nodal Officer / other authorized officer of the State
Government, dealing with the INSPIRE Scheme would be required to open a
Bank Account specifically for the purpose of receiving funds from DST for
District and State level exhibitions and intimate the details of the Bank account
so opened viz. name of the Bank, Branch address, type of account, Bank
account number, IFSC Code of the Bank / Branch, MICR Code of the Bank /
Branch, etc.  These particulars will help in immediate transfer of funds from
the Bank account of DST to the bank account of State Nodal Officer
(INSPIRE) through various Electronic Funds Transfer modes.  Hence, while
submitting the proposals for release of funds, simultaneously, the State / UT
must furnish the bank details for enabling immediate transfer of funds. Similar
arrangements should be put in place asking District Nodal Officers of all the
Districts to open a bank account exclusively for receiving funds for District
level exhibitions, so that State Nodal Officer, immediately on receipt of funds
from DST, can transfer the same electronically to the bank accounts of
respective District level Nodal Officers.   State Nodal Officer and District
Nodal Officer would maintain proper records of funds received, spent, balance,
etc. and submit requisite Utilization Certificates to DST through State Nodal
Officer. Â
9.(a) All awardees get an opportunities to display their project at the District
Level Exhibition to be organized by District Level Authorities. Projects at
District Level would be judged by a 3-member jury (2 locals- to be appointed
by District   / State authorities (from local college/ university / other reputed
institutes faculty members) and 1 DST panel – INSPIRE Mentor list available : 4 :
at DST website), who would select best projects / models, subject to maximum
of 5% project / models for State level Exhibition. Â
(b)Â Selected projects at District level would get opportunity to participate in
the State Level Exhibition, to be organized by State authorities.   Projects at
State level would be judged by a 3-member jury (1 local- to be appointed by
State authorities and 2 DST panel – INSPIRE Mentor list available at DST
website) who would select best 5 projects / models for National level. Â
(c)Â Selected projects at State / UT level would get opportunity to participate
in the National Level Exhibition, to be organized by DST Projects at National
Level would be judged by jury appointed by DST, who would select best 5
projects. Â
10. For those States/UTs who had sent proposals during the year 2009-10
and had got awards in respect of some schools, it should be ensured that for the
current year,
(a) Separate proposal are sent for the remaining schools of the
State/UT as indicated in para 7 above i.e. for two students.
(b) For those schools, to which one award has been sanctioned upto
2009-10, separate proposals should be sent for the second award.
(c) No school should be included in the list if it has already been
sanctioned two awards upto 2009-10.
11. Keeping in view the large number of schools and the students
recommended from each school in each class, proposals can be processed by
DST only if accompanied by Soft Copy (in MS Excel format in prescribed
proforma duly filled in). In the absence of Soft Copy, it will not be possible
for Department of Science & Technology to process proposals and
sanction the awards. Hence, to avoid any delay, states are requested to ensure
that Hard Copy of the proposals is simultaneously accompanied by soft copy
which can be sent either on CD or through e-mail of concerned officers of
12. All the INSPIRE awardees would get a Certificate.   In addition,
Certificates would be given to the students whose projects / models are selected
/ adjudged best at the District / State / National Level Exhibition.
 : 5 :
13. The award amount would be sanctioned in the name of selected students
and award warrants in the name of selected students would be got prepared
from the bank.  All the award warrants of a particular State / UT would be
handed over to State Nodal Officer / his representative for onward distribution
to awardees through District / School authorities.  As per the understandings
with DST's bank issuing the award warrants, it is not compulsory for the
awardees to open a bank account to en-cash his warrant. The Award / Warrant
can be en-cashed at any branch of the bank (State Bank of India) at par. Â
14. It may be noted that all types of recognized schools, whether
Government (Central Government / State Government) or Private (Aided or
Unaided), or run by NGOs etc. are covered under the scheme. Â
15. While sending the proposals, it should be ensured that adequate number
of students is included from SCs, STs and OBC categories and maximum
possible representation is given to girl students in proposals from co-
educational schools.  Â
Notes:Â e-mail of officers for sending soft copy of proposal.
Shri N.J. Thomas, Deputy Secretary, e-mail:
Shri Rajiv Malik, Under Secretary, e-mail:
Shri Devendra Singh, Scientist 'E', e-mail:
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Promotion Order
Pi Cicillia K. Lalremruati, Deputy DirectorPi Lalremmawii, Special Education Officer (SEO)Pi Zoramthangi Ralte Joint DirectorPi Caroline Zoramthangi DirectorPi Zohmingliani DirectorPi Lalduhawmi Thomte Joint DirectorPi Caroline Zoramthangi Deputy DirectorPi Lalnunsiami Deputy DirectorPi Zoramthangi Ralte Deputy DirectorPi Florence Lalrinpuii Miller Deputy DirectorPi Caroline Zoramthangi Joint Director